The Mysteries of the Rosary

 The Mysteries

This commentary on the Mysteries of the Rosary must be prefaced by the fact that they are mysteries and cannot expect to be fully comprehended by the limited human mind.  The following then, is acknowledged as a mediocre discourse, at best, and, at worst, an insultingly crude attempt by so feeble a mind without the intellectual capability or authority to remark on such topics. 

The Mysteries of the most holy Rosary lead us on the journey through the lives of our Holy Lord and the Blessed Virgin Mother of God.  When we pray the Rosary we meditate on these Mysteries and ask the Holy Spirit for the grace to lead us closer to our Divine Savior and His Immaculate Mother.  Let us then take this journey.

The Joyful Mysteries

The Luminous Mysteries (in work)

The Sorrowful Mysteries (in work)

The Glorious Mysteries (in work)

Below are presented two additional sets of mysteries for private meditation created by the author.  Many faithful may make up their own mysteries to pray (in addition to the traditional above and not instead of).  This is an effort to capture the many events of the Lord's life on Earth that are not present in the traditional Mysteries.

The Miraculous Mysteries

The Healing Mysteries

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